3180 S (PACKING) | C03173A | 2080 |
3180 S (DYNAMIC SEAL) | C03200A | 2080D |
3180 S (MECH. SEAL) | C03310A | 2080M |
3180 M (PACKING) | C03174A | 2081 |
3180 M (MECH. SEAL) | C03311A | 2081M |
3180 M (DYNAMIC SEAL) | C03201A | 2081D |
3180 L (PACKING) | C03231A | 2082 |
3180 L (DYNAMIC SEAL) | C03202A | 2082D |
3180 L (MECH. SEAL) | C03312A | 2082M |
3180 XL (PACKING) | C03241A | 2083 |
3180 XL (DYNAMIC SEAL) | C03203A | 2083D-1 |
3180 XL (MECH SEAL) | C03313A | 2083M-1 |
*All parts are After-Market. Any use of OEM names, Trademarks, model and part numbers is for reference purposes only.